We are pleased to announce the publication of the California Quarterly Vol. 46, No. 1 (Spring 2020) in April 2020. With a beautiful cover featuring Manoscritto di una vita 2018 (Manuscript of a Lifetime) by Enzo Patti, this issue is a joy to behold. Congratulations to all the poets. And thanks to Margaret Saine for tirelessly translating poems from so many languages and connecting the California Quarterly to the whole world of poetry and poets.
Manoscritto di una vita 2018 (Manuscript of a Lifetime) by Enzo Patti
Ah, the good news, in the plural! David Sapp, 2018 grant recipient of the Ohio Arts Council,
writes: “Thank you so much for publishing ‘Tree Frog’ in the California Quarterly. I am enjoying
other portions of your wonderful publication. What a handsome issue!”
Hey, and which is David Sapp’s praised issue? I search high and low, because we don’t have a
cumulative alphabetical CQ poetry index yet, alas. It was my last issue, 44:4, he praised! And did
not complain one peep about the translations, which I love doing. So I am doubly proud.
And here is a comment from another contributor: Terrence Sykes: ”Ute Margaret Saine, many thanx to
you again for both my appear- ances in this little gem of a journal... I open the pages and read
words of my friends from across the USA and around the world and many I don’t know, yet we are
poetically kin.”
Yes, poetry’s long, embracing arms reach around the world, like a huge, loving octopus; poets talk
to each other, no longer just whis- tling via Paris and New York, but across the globe. That’s what
we want, don’t we?
Love and thanks to all the lovers of poetry!
Don’t hesitate to email me, at umsaine@gmail.com, about anything.
Margaret Saine
Irvine, California
Nascita del Due del Libro e della Poesia, by Enzo Patti
California Quarterly, Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 2020
de Agua Salada - Mario Zúñiga Núñez 7
from Salt Water - Margaret Saine,Tr. 7
Italy Meets Ivory Coast - Kalyna Temertey-Canta 8
Dejaste un papel amarillo... - Javier Campos 9
You left a yellow paper... - Margaret Saine,Tr. 9
Love in a Field of Miners’ Lettuce - Susan E. Gunter 10
Fata Morgana in a Field of Tarweed - Dave Seter 11
Dusk - Aidan Coleman 12
World of Dreams - Alessio Zanelli 13
View from the Ranch - Alice Pero 14
“golden leaves fluttering birds...” - Rebecca Anne Banks 14
Not Mine to Shape - David Anderson 15
Interlude in the Trader Joe’s... - Joanne Jagoda 16
Hiking After the Dinner Party - Chris Foster 17
Milton’s Fluid - d.p. houston 17
Мигът - Alexander Shurbanov 19
Moment - Alexander Shurbanov, Tr. 19
What’s Inside - Beth S. Pollak 20
I Was Wild Once - Gwynn O’Gara 21
Elevator - Cathy Porter 22
Men at Work - Tasha Cotter 23
Kite - Clarke Andros 24
Recuerdo - Alejandra Castellanos 25
Memory - Margaret Saine, Tr. 25
The Moon Is an Egret - Michael Montgomery 26
Melancholie - Karl Greisinger 27
Melancholy - Margaret Saine, Tr. 27
Committees - David Pratt 28
Home Front: A Remembrance - Jean Esteve 29
Politicians - Pande Manoylov 30
Del Origen - Otoniel Guevara 31
About the Origin - Margaret Saine, Tr. 31
No Cure - Claire Scott 32
The Road of Love - Timothy Fab-Eme 33
Armonia - Rita Stanzione 34
Harmony - Margaret Saine, Tr. 34
Stars Behind Your Eyes - Susan Richardson 35
Impara la tua arte... Claudia Russo 36
Learn your art... Margaret Saine, Tr. 37
Alertos emergen los verdes - Jeanie R. C. Toscano 38
Alert the greens emerge - Margaret Saine, Tr. 39
Epithalamion - John Blair 40
definitorio - Elizabeth Soto 41
in lieu of a definition - Margaret Saine, Tr. 41
Snowmelt - Marianne Karplus 42
A Second Look - John Schneider 42
Do the Garden Snails Know? - Lane Larson 43
de la utilidad de la poesía II - Eliécer Almaguer 44
on the usefulness of poetry II - Margaret Saine, Tr. 45
Sculpture - Lisa Shirley 46
Vision - Matthew J. Spireng 47
The Dame Who Marks Time - Marie Lecrivain 48
My Hollow Window - Marilynn Talal 49
Paying the Ferryman - Ruth Holzer 50
Door - Benjamin Nash 51
Mom & the Bridge - Kristin Lawrence 52
Wish - Patricia Nelson 53
When... Donald Fisher 54
Last Pomegranate - Maja Trochimczyk 55
Hai bevuto una spremuta - Terry Olivi 56
You drank a freshly squeezed - Margaret Saine, Tr. 57
Agonies of Sand - Savita Singh 58
Appunti di viaggio, by Enzo Patti (2018)
Ute Margaret Saine was born in Germany. After a Yale Ph.D. in French and Spanish, she taught languages, literature, and culture in California and Arizona, as well as writing and translating poetry in five languages. Since 1991, she has been a board member of the CSPS and a CQ editor since 1994. She also edits the CSPS Poetry Letter, now on the CSPS website, and formerly served twice as the CQ Annual Contest Chair. For ten years, until June 2019, she gathered all submissions from the Orange PO Box, distributing them to editors.
Her poems have appeared in many journals here and abroad. She has published five books of poetry in English – Bodyscapes, Words of Art, Lit Angels, Gardens of the World and A Book of Travel– as well as six haiku chapbooks in five languages. Four books of poems and a postwar childhood memoir have been published in Germany – Das Flüchtige bleibt (The Ephemeral Remains); Das Weite suchen (A Yen to Travel); Atem der Stille (The Breath of Silence); Ein Lied davon (Same Old Song); and Ungeschicktes Kind (Awkward Child). Searching for Bridges is a bilingual English-Arabic book of her poems edited by Palestinian poet and critic Nizar Sartawi. Saine’s poems in Italian are to be published in 2020. She has edited many CQ issues, most recently vol. 44, No. 4.
Her poems have appeared in many journals here and abroad. She has published five books of poetry in English – Bodyscapes, Words of Art, Lit Angels, Gardens of the World and A Book of Travel– as well as six haiku chapbooks in five languages. Four books of poems and a postwar childhood memoir have been published in Germany – Das Flüchtige bleibt (The Ephemeral Remains); Das Weite suchen (A Yen to Travel); Atem der Stille (The Breath of Silence); Ein Lied davon (Same Old Song); and Ungeschicktes Kind (Awkward Child). Searching for Bridges is a bilingual English-Arabic book of her poems edited by Palestinian poet and critic Nizar Sartawi. Saine’s poems in Italian are to be published in 2020. She has edited many CQ issues, most recently vol. 44, No. 4.