
This page contains information about submissions to the California Quarterly, Monthly Poetry Contests, Annual Poetry Contest 2021, and the Poetry Letter. Please scroll down to find the information you seek. 

CSPS President Maja Trochimczyk with CQ Editor Bory Thach, September 2021.


The flagship publication of the CSPS is the California Quarterly, which  it has published continually since 1972. We accept poems literally from around the world. The California Quarterly is published four times a year and only accepts unpublished poetry.  Foreign language poems need an English translation.

One page poems work best, and two-page is the maximum size. There are no theme or style restrictions, though some editors prefer to ask for poems on a theme of their choice. Submit one to six poems in a single .doc or docx file labeled with Poet Last Name, Poet First Name, Number of poems and Date submitted. Each poetry page in the file should start with a header containing the following poet information: Name (last name first), Mail Address, e-mail, Telephone, Date submitted.  Poem Title should appear on each page of poem.  Each file should include the poet's last/first names in the title.

Notification is sent in 3-5 months. Payment is one copy of the CQ and all rights remain with the poet. Poems considered for a given issue are generally collected during the previous calendar quarter. Send only one set of at most six (6) poems per calendar quarter.

CQ 46:2 (Summer 2020) with artwork This Wave by Kathryn de Laszlo


Please submit your poems online, using, and the following link: If you cannot do so, you may submit by email with a Word attachment that includes all poet information mentioned above to: 

You might want to share information about acceptance of your poems on our FB Group: 


If you do not have access to Submittable or experience serious computer troubles, AND/OR if you do NOT have an email account to submit your poems by email, you can submit hard-copy of your poems, by mailing a set of poems to our Post Office Box:

CQ Editors
Post Office Box 4288
Sunland, California 91041-4288

As print submissions create a hardship for our volunteer editors, these are not allowed for poets with emails and/or internet access. Only poets without recourse to such modern technology may submit by regular mail. Requirements for the print submissions are as follows:
  • Name, address, telephone number, and email address, on each page of your submission
  • One-page poems are best, but an 80-line (two-page) maximum in any case
  • A SASE with sufficient US postage (whether domestic or foreign) for requested response(s) 
  • No biographies or résumés, as only the poems are judged
  • The poems must be the original, unpublished work of the poet
  • Foreign language poems must be accompanied by translations into English
  • Simultaneous submissions are NOT acceptable as of January 1, 2023
  • Poems are not returned, so keep copies if you submit through the Post Office Box! 


The California Quarterly is edited by a group of five poets, each responsible for one issue, on a rotating schedule, so each editor works on her issue every 15 months.  Currently, the editors include: Bory Thach, Maura Harvey, William Scott Galasso, Maja Trochimczyk and Konrad Wilk. 

The Editor has the exclusive responsibility for the content of the CQ, including the selection and order of poems, selection of artwork for the cover (with advice from the Art Panel), and correspondence with poets. In accordance with the Bylaws, there can be a maximum of eight editors. The CQ occasionally invites distinguished poets as Guest Editors, for instance Deborah P. Kolodji edited CQ vol. 48 no. 4 (winter 2022).

Maura Harvey                          Maja Trochimczyk

Bory Thach                          Konrad Wilk

William Scott Galasso 

The recent and forthcoming editorial schedule is as follows:
  • Spring 2018, 44:1 - Maja Trochimczyk
  • Summer 2018, 44:2 - Pearl Karrer
  • Autumn 2018, 44:3 - Terry Ehret
  • Winter 2018, 44: 4 - Margaret Saine
  • Spring 2019, 45:1 - Maura Harvey
  • Summer 2019, 45:2 - Nancy Cavers Dougherty
  • Autumn 2019, 45:3 - Maja Trochimczyk
  • Winter 2019, 45: 4 - Pearl Karrer
  • Spring 2020, 46:1 - Margaret Saine
  • Summer 2020, 46:2 - Maura Harvey
  • Autumn 2020, 46:3 - Terry Ehret
  • Winter 2020, 46:4 - Maja Trochimczyk
  • Spring 2021, 47:1 - Bory Thach
  • Summer 2021, 47:2 - Maja Trochimczyk
  • Autumn 2021, 47:3 - Konrad Wilk
  • Winter 2021, 47:4 - William Scott Galasso
  • Spring 2022, 48:1 - Maja Trochimczyk
  • Summer 2022, 48:2 - Margaret Saine, Guest Editor
  • Autumn 2022, 48:3 - Bory Thach
  • Winter 2022, 48:4 - Deborah P Kolodji, Guest Editor
  • Spring 2023, 49:1 - Konrad Wilk

CQ 44:1 (Spring 2018) with artwork Yucca by Abby Diamond


CQ welcomes submissions of unpublished original art for its covers. Submit the art as a JPEG attachment with a resolution of 300 dots/inch or better to print an image 5” high x 3.75” wide, one image at a time.  CSPS reserves the right to post selected artwork on its website.

Submissions can be made via email to  You can also submit the artwork to individual editors. 

CQ 44:2 (Summer 2018) with artwork 


Order extra or sample copies of the CQ through the CQs page on the CSPS website ( or send $10/copy to:

Maja Trochimczyk, CSPS President
PO Box 4288, Sunland CA 91041-4288

CQ 46: 3 with artwork: Mléčná dráha/Milky Way by Andrea Smišková Ehret


DEADLINE: Submissions Accepted March 1st – June 30th 2023

AWARDS: $100, $50, $25 awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places Plus Publication in the California Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 4 (2021 Winter). Winners will be announced in September

SUBMISSION: Please submit unpublished poems, written in English, with 80-line (two-page) limit per poem, with reading fees - using one of two options. 

READING FEES: Members of California State Poetry Society and/or all member societies of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (please indicate which Society you are belong to), $3.00/poem; Non-members of any NFSPS-affiliated societies, $6.00/poem. 
  • Upload your poems and pay reading fees at our website:  
  • OR
submit your reading fees via PayPal with a note stating  "Annual Contest Reading Fees" with your name and contact information, including State Poetry Society you are a member of, to  PayPal account for
  • AND 
send a cover letter with all poet information and a list of the submitted poems, plus one copy of each poem with no poet identification to:

Dr. Maja Trochimczyk
CSPS Annual Contest Chair
PO Box 4288 Sunland CA 91041-4288

REQUIREMENTS: The length of poems should not exceed the limit of 80 lines (two-pages) per poem. Up to now, we did not have a limit on the numbers of poems submitted, but, please, do not send whole books!  For the California Quarterly, the limit is 6 poems, so we might keep it at that. 

CQ 46:4 with artwork by Julian Stanczak - Constant Return II

CSPS President Maja Trochimczyk and Alice Pero, Monthly Contest Chair, September 2021.


 California State Poetry Society encourages poetic creativity by organizing monthly poetry contests. The contests are open to all poets, whether or not they are members of the CSPS. Reading fees are $1.50 per poem with a $3.00 minimum for members and $3.00 per poem with a $6.00 minimum for non-members. Entries must be postmarked during the month of the contest in which they are entered. They must consist of a first page with all contact information (name, address, telephone number and email address) and the titles of the poems being submitted. 

At this time we accept previously published poems and there are three ways to submit:

1. by regular mail, enclosing printed copies of poems and your check,

              CSPS Monthly Contest – (Specify Month)

              Post Office Box 4288, Sunland, California 91041

2. online on our website, or

3. by email, using PayPal and email to make a payment  - adding $1.00 for PayPal fees if submitting by email. Alternatively, poets may submit their work by email to: (Specify Month) and simultaneously pay their contest fees by PayPal to:, adding $1 for PayPal fees.

All Monthly Contests are judged by Alice Pero, CSPS Monthly Contest Judge. The 1st place winner receives half of the prize pool for pools less than $100. For pools of $100 or more, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners receive $50, $10 and $5, respectively. If there are insufficient fees submitted, the minimum prize is $10. There are no exceptions to the prize disbursement rules. 

The monthly contest winners are announced as they are awarded and the winners are notified by mail. All of the winners for the year are listed in the first CSPS Newsbriefs of the following year. In addition, the first prize winner poems are published in the CSPS Poetry Letter (PDF, email, posted on website) and posted on this blog. 

Please note: Do not send SAE’s. We do not return poems. If you win, we will let you know. Otherwise there are no notifications.

CSPS Monthly Contest Themes (Revised)

January        Nature, Landscape
February      Love
March          Open, Free Subject
April            Mythology, Dreams, Other Universes
May             Personification, Characters, Portraits
June            The Supernatural
July             Childhood, Memoirs
August        Places, Poems of Location
Sept             Colors, Music, Dance
October       Humor, Satire
November   Family, Friendship, Relationships
December   Back Down to Earth (Time, Seasons)

To find out more about our Contest Judge read ALICE PERO's Interview on ShoutoutLA website:

CQ 46:1 (Spring 2021) with artwork: Manoscritto di una vita  
(Manuscript of a Lifetime) by Enzo Patti (2018)


Starting in 2021, CSPS Poetry Letter publishes poetry book reviews and continues to publish poems awarded prizes in the Monthly Contests, as well as previously published poems submitted by authors to reprint. 

Please send your book reviews, with publication information (ISBN, number of pages, paperback, price, link to where it can be ordered), as well as poems by email to, or to the attention of the Poetry Letter Editor, Dr. Maja Trochimczyk at 

CQ 45:3 (Autumn 2019) with artwork by Debby Beck

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