Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Welcome to New Board Members, Ambika Talwar and Konrad Tademar Wilk

On May 2, 2020, the Board of Directors of the California State Poetry Society voted to approve the addition of two new Directors at Large to our team, poets Ambika Talwar and Konrad Tademar Wilk. We welcome our new colleagues; their insights and creativity will be an asset for CSPS.

At the same time, the Board acknowledged receiving resignations from long-time Board Members and Editors of the California Quarterly, Pearl Karrer who served as Editor and Editorial Chair, and Nancy Cavers Dougherty who was one of the Editors. We thank the outgoing Board members for their years of dedicated service to the CSPS, working as Editors to make sure the California Quarterly contains only high quality poems and that it is produced without errors. We wish you all possible success in your future poetry endeavors.


Ambika Talwar is an India-born author, wellness consultant, artist, & educator whose vision is to realize her sacred destiny and invite others to find their brilliance.  Insights gleaned through life challenges have prompted her to make her poetry a call to action. Composed in the ecstatic tradition, her poetry is a “bridge to other worlds.” She has authored Creative Resonance: Poetry—Elegant Play, Elegant Change and also 4 Stars & 25 Roses (poems for her father).  She is published in various journals and anthologies including Kyoto Journal, Inkwater Ink - vol. 3; Chopin with Cherries; Meditations On Divine Names; VIA-Vision in Action; in Poets on Site collections; St. Julian Press; Tower Journal; Enchanting Verses; Quill & Parchment; California Quarterly; Life & Legends, and others. She has also interviewed with KPFK and Human Frequency Radio, and recorded poems for the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, California.

Ambika's works also appear in Grateful Conversations (2018), a collection of poems, photos and essays by Westside Women Writers based in Southern California. Her poem Sweet Fire Dance of Dissent (for Rilke's Spanish Dancer) was nominated for the Pushcart Prize by the editors. In 2018, she was one of 10 to earn Commendable Mention in The Great India Poetry Contest spearheaded by On Fire Cultural Movement, and, has since been a judge for their weekly poetry contest in 2019.

In 2016, Ambika published My Greece: Mirrors & Metamorphoses about her travels through Greece in 2002. It is a poetic-spiritual travelogue that seeks to discover our collective human purpose. She asserts it is time for creatives to offer a new narrative to change our worldview, which has led to destructive ways to one that arises harmony.  A grateful and willing performer, she has read at various venues in Southern California and also at the Eden Hall, Chatham University, Pittsburgh. Ambika also made a short film titled Androgyne in 2000 for which she earned the Best Original Story Award at a festival in Belgium. She wrote, produced, and directed this film. She has also written two original feature-length screenplays.

Also a wellness, practitioner, Ambika practices IE:Intuition-Energetics™, a powerful fusion of modalities and creativity principles for speedy recovery from ailments and practice being whole again. “Both poetry and holistic practices work beautifully together, for language is intricately coded in us. And we must be free of false beliefs and confusions,” she notes.  This process achieves speedy and efficient results. An English professor at Cypress College, California, Ambika makes her home in Los Angeles and in New Delhi, India.

Sites: http://creativeinfinities.com * http://goldenmatrixvisions.com
Interviews: https://www.loispjones.com/taoli-ambika-talwar/
Human Frequency Radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn8w5Tg2yVQ
Poetry Offerings: http://www.patreon.com/goldenmatrixvisions  


Konrad Tademar Wilk is an American poet living in Los Angeles. His works range from single sonnets to epic poems on themes including current events, myth, and philosophy. In addition to American subjects, his work is strongly informed by international events and history, especially those of freedom and oppression. Tademar's early childhood was spent in Poland where he was particularly influenced by the rise of the anti-communist Solidarity labor union.

Following his return to the U.S., he studied philosophy and literature at Los Angeles City College where he was president of the Poet's Platform. He then went on to graduate from UCLA. His poetry book Fifty Sonnets, titles like labels only get in the way... is available for purchase on-line.  Other poetry chapbooks are out of print. He is currently working on two epic poems "Prometheus" and "Trafficking In Time" - scheduled for release in the near future. He has appeared in Los Angeles venues such as the Onyx, Ground's Zero, Magicopolis Theater, Wilshire Art Gallery, Bolton Hall Museum, and Pig and Whistle. In 1991, he founded the Witching Hour Poetry Gathering which has met continuously for over 20 years. 

Additionally, he is a founding member of the Pecan Pie Organization, dedicated to artistic promotion and stage performances.  Mr. Tademar recently served as the artistic director for Warsaw 80/75 performance of poetry, dance and music, celebrating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII (German attack on Poland), and the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944.  The event was held at the Santa Monica Playhouse in September 2019.

 Some of his stories and poems are available on the internet. https://angiesdiary.com/author/konradtademar/ - 138 poems posted since 2010
https://angiesdiary.com/stories/miranda-eithn/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/139129443/The-Lady-and-Her-Man-With-Images http://www.scribd.com/doc/139399595/Qi-a-poem

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